Poetry is what speaks to you.

Jackeline Salazar

Even though all three of them are poems, the one that defines the most would just depends on what speaks to you the most. Everyone has their own definition of poetry so we can’t just say that one of these poems defines poetry the most, because they all have a meaning to what speaks most for itself. I personally believe that the poem that speaks to me the most is “USES OF POETRY” by Ferlinghetti, Lawrence. I like how he defines poetry in many ways, at least that is how I seem to read and understand it. He seems to make you think in the beginning that poetry is either used in a good way, but can also be used in some bad ways too. He uses phrases that also have a deeper meaning but usually it is easy to point it out and understand what he is talking about when he says what is the use of poetry. He also seems to be saying that poetry is define in many things and places and even in albums supposedly. He  is trying to acknowledge that poetry can interpret in many situations or in objects, even poetry can be define in our dreams. In lines 4-5, he mentions how poetry can be “paved over to make a freeway for armies of the night”. As in poetry can be covered to define many things.  He interprets poetry in many ways, it is just your way of understanding what it could mean and how you also want to define poetry as well. 

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