What is poetry?

By: Sofia Garcia

Poetry is a piece a literature that has rhyme, rhythm, verses, stanzas, etc. That was only the dictionary definition in my own words. Poetry can be found in many forms all around us we like it or not even if we claim to dislike poetry. Poetry is a group of sentences and phrases that usually have a hidden meaning. Most poetry seems that way because emotions are difficult to convey straight out with one word, or some poets just enjoy being extra because they know that people are going to analyze maybe even over-analyze their poem. One example of poetry is a poem such as an ode. Poetry is more than just these formal and neat poems. Poetry comes in common forms such as your favorite pop song or R&B song. It is even found in the annoying advertisements and commercials that interrupt your show you were waiting to watch on TV for so long. Despite the fact the fact that written poetry and advertisements are both two completely different forms of media they both originated from rhyme, rhythm, verses, stanzas, etc. We can conclude and say that indeed poetry is literally everywhere.

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