Poppy v. Rose

I feel that “The Rose and the Poppy” by far does the better job at challenging the concept of the rose. This is because this poem proposes a challenger to the rose in efforts to deconstruct the exact reasons that we value roses. A challenger that in its own right has unique and amazing qualities, yet is still overlooked, leaving me questioning what exactly it is about the rose that makes it so exalted. Whereas the poem “Sea Rose”, I feel, is more of a rejection of the traditional symbol of the rose, through the praise of the authors preferred type of rose. Which may even be a view of the worlds shifting values and its effect on the world around it.

            Adrianna Puente starts off her poem by telling us what the subject of the poem is not and how it does not compare to the idyllic rose. But, does that matter at all? Are these the only traits that matter? She then follows that with a very expressive and vivid first-person account of a Poppy that is aware of its unfair place yet is indifferent. This beautiful flower that has the confidence to be secure in its own greatness, symbolizing how it demands our respect.

  • Andrew Hardy

3 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. randyhdz
    Oct 10, 2019 @ 17:45:26

    good point on why the poppy flower is included and why its there for. Then also great argument as to how the H.D. rejects the traditional symbol of the rose. One thing to work on is just including evidence to help support your argument.



  2. vkim9
    Oct 11, 2019 @ 16:22:04

    You focus a lot on one poem over the other, although this is great and you go into depth about your poem, I would work on analyzing the other poem more. Also include evidence, it solidifies your position and provides a text to look back on.



  3. kevinv40
    Oct 14, 2019 @ 05:59:30

    In the introduction paragraph, can you define the symbol of the rose? With shifting values, the rose may signify something else in the future. Though, good work on catching the empathetic personified poppy!



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