Redundant Poetry

Sofia Garcia

In just fourteen lines a sonnet manages to contradict itself. This form of poetry seems pretty redundant because it just answers itself. It is as redundant as one asking a question and one answers it almost immediately

Some may argue that it is self-awareness, but I don’t see that anywhere especially with the skit. Catherine Tate’s character and David Tennant’s characters are a metaphor for what happens in a sonnet, but not just any sonnet; they represent how Shakespeare mapped out his sonnets. They are ague with each other trying to make a point, but then they wind up contradicting each other.

This skit is just a modern version of how to interpret the layout of Shakespeare’s sonnets. In the skit, the student tries to get the teacher to admit that he is Dr. Who. He denies it throughout the entire skit. She annoys the crap out of him and he pulls out whatever device and flashes her with it. She turns into a figurine which proves that the teacher is indeed Dr.Who.

To put it into context, William Shakespeare compares his mistress’ beauty and the features that make her beautiful to a number of things in his “Sonnet 130: My mistress’ eyes are nothing like the sun”, and then he finishes the sonnet by saying my mistress cannot not be compared to anything because I think she is too good for those things to be compared to her.

3 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. kevinv40
    Nov 07, 2019 @ 00:32:27

    You can connect the third paragraph’s context at the ending of the second paragraph to continue your point about how the dialogue of the characters contradict each other. For example, at the end of the skit, the student recites an entire poem about how a flower isn’t relevant to the others and then after being corrected with “they all give a bitter scent.”

    Additionally, i wouldn’t call the poem a “Self awareness” but rather dialogue paradox.

    Liked by 1 person


  2. rileehoch
    Nov 09, 2019 @ 00:08:32

    You say the poems redundant, I would like to see where and why you think that way with examples. You also do a lot of summary of the poem without taking a specific argument? Could be improved but good effort! Good job! 🙂



  3. jrojas36
    Nov 09, 2019 @ 01:43:16

    I am not seeing the redundancy in the poem? Maybe the genre but even then, there is actually a unique twist with this sonnet in particular. You mention that the characters in the skit are ways to read Shakespeare’s sonnets and that the giant redundancy is that there is a contradiction? While its true that they both sort of contradict each other, with the final lines of the sonnet being different and with Tate proving Tennant wrong, but that is sort of the point. There is an expectation that is there, and then that expectation is deflated. redundancy is that this is overdone or a lot of useless content to prove a point that is or should be done concisely. By this logic, the entire play and poem are useless. To each their own, I guess.



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