Harder Than I Thought

Diane Tarabay-Rodriguez

After reading all three blog posts, I ran them through the syllabus requirements. Giving each blog post was very difficult taski for me because It’s hard for me to point out the negative parts of any type of writing. I usually like giving positive feedback, but I tried my best to be completely honest and fair with the grading. 

The blog post that stood out to me was “Tropic shadows”. It included everything that the blog post needed, It did a very good job in providing references and quotes from certain lines. The thesis was very clear and it had a lot of textual evidence. It may have been a little boring but It contained everything a slid blog post needs. I give this blog post a sold A. 

When I began to read “White America”, I became instantly bored because of how basic it was. It provided clear analysis and textual evidence but I feel like the blogger could have dug more into the meaning. They could have also done a better job at explaining their textual evidence that they provided. I got the feeling that this blog was written at the last minute yet the writer was smart enough to cover everything that was required in no time. I would give this blog post a solid B- because I know the person could have done a better job by going more into depth with the analysis.

The blog post, “The Great Divide”, was enjoyable to read. You can tell that the writer of this blog post put some thought into it. The blogger mentioned their honest interpretation of both poems and was clear and straight to the point. The thesis was very clear and captivating.The post maintained a very good structure and it included textual evidence. I would give this post a solid A.

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