“The Great Divide” took the W in my books

I feel as is all poems did a really good job at answering the prompt assigned. They somewhat took different approaches at doing so, but they made their stance clear. I enjoyed that the students that wrote this didn’t make it difficult to read, them being straight to the point helped out. They all also talk about the sonnet form and rhyme schemes so of course that adds on to their grade. I would give tropic “Tropic Shadows” a B+ because I like her ideas. A little more elaboration on quotes would’ve made the post better but, overall it was good. For “White Americaaaaaaaa” I would grade it a B-. This is due to the lack of textual evidence. Its a pretty solid post in regards to them setting up their focus for the post. I think they expressed themselves pretty well, but the textual evidence not being directly their somewhat confuses me. I think “The Great Divide” deserves an A-. I actually liked their way of explaining themselves. I honestly alway enjoy reading other students blog post because they seem to go really into depth and find things between the lines that I don’t understand when I read the poem myself. Out of all the poems, I would have to say that “The Great Divide” was the most persuasive and interesting.

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