to evaluate.

By: Jocelyn Lemus

When we write, our minds are build upon differently allowing us to express our ideas and comparing it to others. Which to leads me to evaluating the three blog posts noted down:

Tropic Shadows: A-

White America: B-


The Great Divided: B-

Even though every single person was capable of writing and evaluating the analysis of each of Claude McKay’s piece, they all hit that particulate criteria where they were super close to having everything jot down. I’ve noticed that everyone did an amazing and true effort of getting into the point and digging some of those ideas that just come out instantly. However, I must say that the blog post of Tropic Shadows certainly shaped the idea of everything that should be mentioned. This person was able to bring in particular ideas that were not that mentioned. There was so much detail that was able to be seen with an instant. For example, this person was able to use a well written and well structured blog posts that shaped it with the importance of McKay’s piece alone.

In addition, the reason I I gave the other two blog post a solid B or B minus was because they were able to correlate everything together from each of the and analysis of the McKay’s piece but they were also missing some criteria that allowed them to have a better grade. Don’t get me wrong all of these people did an amazing job and the blog post but I feel like they could’ve been having it a little bit more detail with new ideas they were not always straightforward to find I feel like they could’ve elaborated more they can make connections with the outside world. overall everyone did a good job as I was reading the blog post, but they could’ve been like a bit more of a detail and emphasis of what they were trying to say which will lead them to make a better and more understanding of the text.

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