I am a rose not a poppy.


In my creative project, I decided to re-create the poem “The Rose & The Poppy” by Adrianna. First, I want to say that this poem had me in circles. It was a poem I had to re-read several times in order to understand it. I didn’t change the poem completely, but I transformed a poppy into a Rose. Just like shown below, I’ve transformed lines like “I am not a ravishing ruby red” to “I am a ruby red rose”. Another example of re-creating the poem would be changing line 17 “Most times I am forgotten” to “I am never forgotten.”

While I was reading Adrianna’s Poem I noticed she used metaphors to compare herself to a poppy creating personification. I wanted to do something else, though. Instead of comparing her to a poppy, I compared her to the perfect Rose “always chosen”. In my eyes, I wanted to show everyone that they’re a rose and not a poppy, a flower that is known as a drug. When doing so, I created a paradox, causing confusion. I re-created the poem in an image of a poppy but describing it as a rose simply because we cannot change the poem completely and a poppy still plays a big factor here.

When reading the re-creation that I did, you’ll most likely be confused, and that is a good thing because I want you to be drugged by the poppy but be reminded that you are beautiful and cherished. Reading my re-creation of the poem will cause you to tilt your head like a druggie, but the words will keep reminding you of how lovely you are as a rose.

Thanks to Adrianna, because of her poem, I could transform a poppy into a rose even while still being imperfect.

– Ana Munos

20 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Trackback: Student Poetry Competition | Introduction to Poetry
  2. dcarrillo23
    Dec 09, 2021 @ 22:05:36

    I believe this imitation would be great in an intro to poetry class because it hits all the bases that I believe students need to know about poetry: emotion, imagery, poetic form, and inidividuality. There is use of poetic elements, with a creative twist and most of all the author produced this to make the audience feel. I think a class would have a great time taking apart this poem and finding out first hand through it what makes poetry truly poetic.



  3. emilyepu
    Dec 09, 2021 @ 22:11:25

    This imitation does a fantastic job at providing the many significant elements in an intro to poetry class. There is something very original yet referential in this imitation, which makes sense due to its nature, but it is very refreshing to read and see. Poetry is not only what words mean and their message, but also the physicality of the words on the paper. The mental clarity and physical disposition of poetry are what make poetry beautiful.



  4. 8hayden44n
    Dec 09, 2021 @ 22:22:03

    Ana, I really like how you incorporated imagery into your poem by writing it in the shape of a flower. Not only is it a very unique and intricate choice of imagery to use to compose a poem artistically, but the meaning of the shape of the flower also strengthens your narrative. In cause the audience had any doubts regarding the beauty of the flowers described in your poem, the shape of the very poem itself strengthens the imagery and further adds to the beauty of the poem. Very cool idea as well as amazing execution!



  5. atlasthechaos
    Dec 09, 2021 @ 22:26:24

    Ana, I adore the way you put your words into image and created a visual from your poem. It is not only aesthetically pleasing, but it better helps the reader appreciate your point as the must now focus more on the piece to understand it. While I don’t agree with the overall idea, I do appreciate that you went a different way with your interpretation and twisted what the author originally interpreted. Students may really be able to understand the amount of effort needed to make good poetry and better explore more complex avenues in their presentations.



  6. jjordanx10
    Dec 09, 2021 @ 22:26:28

    The poem imitation for “The Rose & The Poppy” does an excellent job displaying how poetry at its root is about creativity. The speaker also incorporated literary elements such as imagery in order to evoke a certain emotion pertaining to the poppy. The use of medium for the imitation was very unique and exemplifies the creative aspect of this project which is why I believe this imitation is the best option to help students understand the three questions.



  7. abbyraven
    Dec 09, 2021 @ 22:27:08

    For your poem, the imagery you invoke with that word map is amazing. It really captures how one can take a well-known piece of work and add a modern spin to it; this is why I’d choose to show your poem. Everyone should know that even if something is already great on its own, you can add your own personal touches to it and make it even better than before!



  8. Ramsey Mogannam
    Dec 09, 2021 @ 22:28:06

    The creativity in presenting this poem makes it unique. The poem is shaped like a flower grabbing the attention of the reader. The shape of how this poem is organized makes some readers prefer reading this poem.



  9. pbee2
    Dec 09, 2021 @ 22:29:07

    I think that this post was extremely creative. I love how you incorporated the poem into an art piece that represented visually the theme of the poem. These elements really made your piece stand out and helped me understand the original poem even better. It was great to see poetry, something we usually just see as words on a page interpreted into a visual experience.



  10. smille42
    Dec 09, 2021 @ 22:30:06

    I like the shift in form that you chose to take this poem into, with several ideas and lines repeating over and over again to recreate that form faithfully. In a way, the repetition acts as emphasis or a sort of self-reassurance that the poppy comforts itself with, leading to more depth beyond the words of the original. I also really enjoy the interpretation of the poem by having the poem take the shape of a red flower rather than yellow, which you describe as a choice to show the outward portrayal of the inner self of the flower, which was a nice touch. This poem is also a great example of the creativity that can come from poetry, where students can recognize that poems can go beyond the words that are written and instead take other elements such as the shaper of the poem or the context surrounding the poem when applying an artist’s vision.



  11. sandra097
    Dec 09, 2021 @ 22:32:02

    This imitation would be great for this intro to poetry class because it meets all the requirements while at the same time being very creative and simple. Poems can be seen in different formats and illustrations that would never change the fact that it is poetry. This poems beauty comes from the way that it is being presented in the form of a flower. very nice illustration.



  12. Simmy Kaur
    Dec 09, 2021 @ 22:32:54

    Ana’s creativity and going the extra mile by hand drawing her creative project is something that sets her apart from everyone else’s work. I think this should help future students to feel inspired about using whatever poem they attract towards, and make it their own. And that’s the beauty of poetry. To be able to find one aspect of it and relate to it in some way.



  13. nowaktk
    Dec 09, 2021 @ 22:33:50

    In the best way possible, I am confused and impressed with this blog post. I know that you too have learned the most important lesson from this course: poet’s are twisted! Due to your understanding of this, I can agree that this confusion is the perfect reflection of poem and class as far as beauty and and what makes a poem poetry. I have just realized that poetry is not only beauty, but it is confusition, which some readers prefer and others do not.



  14. mikeed24
    Dec 09, 2021 @ 22:35:49

    Your poem was very unique because you turned a poem into a rose literally! You are very creative because I do not know I would turn a poem into a picture. Your review was good because you mentioned personification and how it was used



  15. Roma Ventura
    Dec 09, 2021 @ 22:36:29

    I really admired Ana’s form of her project. Really shows the student what makes poem poetry which is her use of words. Also making her poem as beautiful as the flower.



  16. emayo2
    Dec 09, 2021 @ 22:38:00

    I love the imagery in this poem and I feel that that is especially what makes this poem poetry as well as beautiful. It displays simply beauty in the way it is written in the shape of a flower and how the meaning states it is a rose yet the poem is written in the shape of a poppy. I feel that people like some poems more than other due to the fact that they resonate more with others. Wonderful poem!



  17. narah202
    Dec 09, 2021 @ 22:40:44

    Poetry could be anything, and this post shows that as the poem is a visual form that reflects and supports the whole main idea of the poem. This poem is directing from the traditional meaning of a rose and bring in the poppy flower. This visual poem is a beautiful as a reader could prefer as its different from the standard form of poetry and make it more creative.



  18. ehernandez287
    Dec 09, 2021 @ 22:41:15

    I’m sure that your main goal was to capture the readers’ attention by the way you drew the poem. I, for sure, focused on that first. What I enjoy about Ana’s post is that everyone interprets and view poems differently. A group of people may have similar ideas and one might be the black sheep of white. That doesn’t mean it’s any different.



  19. Kderaa10
    Dec 09, 2021 @ 22:41:22

    This imitation is a great example of what makes poetry and why it is beautiful. The poem is twisted because she switched the original poem. Her representation of the poem was also very individual and creative.
    – Katherine Deras



  20. ehe3
    Dec 09, 2021 @ 22:43:17

    This poem goes beyond just language and also has the text formatted into a flower shape and is designed to befuddle the reader and make them think. All makes the poem beautiful in a different way than is conventional.



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