Rhythm and Meter

In the poem “Delight Disorder”, the author is paying really close attention to the people and things around him. In line 11 Herrick wrote, “A careless shoestring, in whose tie I see a wild civility:”. After breaking this line down I found that he is saying that if someone is walking with an untied shoelace they more likely to be a wild and free spirit. I find this poem very interesting because he is making inferences on peoples character based on their clothing, but I believe you cannot judge a book by its cover. After scanning my poem I concluded that this poem is an Iambic Tetrameter.

In the poem “Still to be neat, still to be dressed”, the author is saying that some ladies who get all dressed up for any little thing do it to hide their emotions. In line 5 and 6 he wrote, “Though art’s hid causes are not found, All is not sweet, all is not sound.” After breaking this down I believe the author is saying that the ladies who have no motivations or goals in life are the ones who try to hide behind the “perfect” clothes. After scanning my poem I concluded that this poem is Dactylic Tetrameter. Both poems are similar in that both authors are analyzing people.

by Michael Davis