
Lauren Hamilton

“Delight in disorder” by Herrick, talks about how disorder of dressing in women can be beautiful, artisy, and should be encouraged. It shows off the beauty of staying with a similar pattern of rhythm and meter throughout. That is up until line 10 where its as turbulent, in the rhythm, as the words of the line. By doing this little rebellion, it reinforces what is being described throughout the poem, a little rebellion in style is a good thing. It even goes meta a little and points it out in line 12 that it was wild to do so. With it being crazy, for the time, and labeled as such, it is something nice to see and watch but something not to touch or mess with, because art is “too precious in every part”. (line 14)
“Still to be neat” by Johnson, it seems as though the author is frustrated with a lady who is still nicely and formally dressed; almost as if they wanted the other to have some kind of imperfection to be able to delight in it. They want the “Robes loosely flowing, hair as free”(line 9), instead of what is being presented to them. This poem was difficult for me to scan and believe I may of messed it up. It seems to me that the pattern for it is that there is no real pattern and it adds to the feeling of frustration that author is feeling.
The two authors seem to have a similar take on how women should dress for artistic purposes, due to women being so pretty and all. According to them women should be well dressed with a small flaw or two to make them as beautiful as art. Another thing that they seem to agree upon is that if something is so beautiful to be considered art then no one should interact with it, physically or emotionally.